Koryn Okey

Koryn Okey Profile Photo

VP of Client Experience-Breezeway

As the VP of Client Experience at Breezeway, Koryn Okey is dedicated to creating long-lasting relationships with her clients and driving awareness to the vacation rental industry. Prior to joining Breezeway, Koryn spent 7 years at FlipKey and TripAdvisor as part of the team that brought Guest Reviews to the industry. While Koryn calls Boston home, she can often be found attending vacation rental conferences around the world, visiting clients in-market, or lounging on the beaches of St. John.

Aug. 17, 2022

Cleaning House on Operational Tech, with Koryn Okey of Breezeway

Last week we talked to Matt Loney, CEO of Xplorie about consolidations within vacation rental tech , and one of the areas he projected would consolidate was Operations software. Today, we have Koryn Okey from Breezeway to sh...
Guest: Koryn Okey